FREE Bodyweight Workshop

How To Optimize Strength Over 40?

Feeling a bit sluggish, tired, low in energy and blue in mood?
You're not the only one!
I have seen how many people's health and wellness has been affected since COVID and I wanted to do something to help.

 I had a successful martial arts gym that time what was packed with clients everyday - and then BOOM, the pandemic struck and for many of us, life as we knew it was turned upside down. Luckily all went back to normal, my gym is full of people again but still I feel this workshop helping many people to get a stronger over 40 again!

When we lose our physical health, our mental health can be at risk too. Staying fit and healthy is about far more than just looking and feeling good and confident - it's about keeping us alive.

So here it is... my FREE 'Fit Over 40' online fitness training:
Simply click on the link below, sign in and it's all yours for free!

I hope it helps you - and please do tag or share with those that you feel may enjoy this free opportunity.

So you hit the 40 already, and getting tired after just some steps upward on a stairs, or few push ups, you have sore shoulders & back? 

Do you want to change?

Many people over 40 thinks being sluggish, get low energy level and tired easy is normal because coming with age! Let me tell you something, it isn't normal when 

- when few push ups are challenging you 

-when you have sore stiff shoulders,

- when you have lower back pain

What you need is 

- stronger core 

- better mobility & flexibility

- might be get some weight loss

this FREE bodyweight workshop can be a good start to change to get into good shape again!

If you struggling with few push ups now here you can find the steps how to get strong core and arms and the progression even to single hand push ups!

Full body mobility routine is well proven routine to fix stiff shoulders, back and hips!

This course is closed for enrollment.

What is in?

- Full body mobility routine

- Push up progression from zero to hero / from normal to single hand/

- Push up variations

- Squat / how to do? How to practice?

- Squat variations

- Core activation exercises

- Downloadable stretching routine

- Finishing workout

Your Instructor

Attila Varga

I'm Attila Varga with over 35 years Martial Arts and strength conditioning experience! I'm 52 now and still feel same like I was 20, and the main reason of this FREE bodyweight for 40's to help people to change because we have at this age still lots of potential in ourselves!

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